Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17, 2011

Jesus, last night my little Mary had a hard time sleeping, so I didn't get any. I'm exhausted and cranky...please help me keep a positive attitude with my children today. Please take over today... I need you to carry me on your shoulders. Amen.

Today's scripture is interesting. Jesus best friend, Peter, tries to stop him from walking in the line of fire. He was looking out for Jesus, telling him to take care of himself. Jesus says "get behind me Satan!". Wow! This puzzles me. The Rhetoric that goes around today among moms and professionals is the advice of a friend, like Peter was to jesus, take it easy don't give of yourself until there is nothin left. It seems like reasonable advice. We moms and Jesus need to preserve ourselves so that we can continue to serve right?

I look at my own moms life, and I see that she has given everything she has to me and my brothers and sisters leaving nothing for herself. I get angry about this, I want her around for a long time, and also I don't want to have to give that much to my family. It's selfish really, in light of the gospel today. I know that Jesus retreated sometimes to gain energy and we moms should do that as well, but often I function in daily life from a mode of self preservation. I née to give everything I have every day to be god's servant and to lay down my life for those that need to feel god's love.

Jesus, I want to be more like you. Help me to be giving today no matter what the cost to my own pride is. Amen


  1. As I was reading a commentary on this Gospel today, it was saying how Peter wanted to "manage" Jesus by stopping him from saying the things he was telling them. How often do I try to manage God, telling him what I want from him, instead of listening to His voice and trusting in His will? Peter was afraid of the truth....when do I try to ignore the truth? Lord, help me to trust you and the perfect plan you have for my life.

  2. Yes, this makes so much sense!!!
