Monday, January 31, 2011

january 31, 2011

Jesus, renew my commitment to teaching my children how to live as your people today.  Help me not to slip into complacency, help me to do what is hard and what is right rather than what is easy.  Amen

Today's scripture readings can be found at USCCB

Memorial of Saint John Bosco
Patron Saint of Youth
For more info on this saint go to American Catholic

St. John Bosco had a philosophy of education that was very unique for his era.  He believed in teaching the whole child, that play was an integral part of learning, that preventing sin should take precedence over punishment of it, and that children should receive the sacraments often to unite a child's spirituality with their work, study and prayer.

The scripture readings today remind us of the ways that sin creeps into our lives.  In the first reading it seems that we are being reminded that being a Christ follower means standing out from our peers, it means not fitting into the world.  If we have friends that are moms, and not Christian, or not living out their Christian lives, shouldn't our lives look much different than theirs?    In the Gospel we have sin in the form of possession. Don't we know people, and may in fact be a person, possessed with self destructive addictions or habits?

As moms we need to prevent the devil from attacking ourselves and our children in these subtle ways.  It is our job as parents to protect our children from occasions of sin.  For me this means planning ahead...and keeping records of what sets my children off.  I have toddlers so my biggest hurdle right now is preventing temper tantrums.  I have them on a tight schedule, so that their anger is not caused by just over-tiredness or dips in blood sugar.  I also keep track of things that trigger the tantrums so that I can prevent a future one.   Also I try to create a lesson plan the night before the children wake up in the morning, what do I want my children to learn today?  Often it is the same thing, kindness, sharing, and then I plan activities with that in mind.  During the course of the day, during meal times, snacks, playing and lessons, I try to find different ways to show my children about Christian living.   

When I do not do this, I begin having self doubt, I just copy what other mothers do, and what common literature tells me about what I should do with my children.   I begin to forget that my primary responsibility is not to keep my children entertained but to introduce them to their Father in Heaven and his love, not that I can't do that through entertainment.  Sometimes I allow myself to get too tired and I don't take care of my body by exercising, so then I have even less energy, and I eat or drink too much coffee, and repeat the cycle. I become too tired to then do the proactive parenting that I need to do, I lapse into reactive parenting, which allows sin to occur in myself and my children, because we are all tired, bored, and frustrated.

Jesus, thank you for giving me purpose in my parenting.  Help all moms out there who are tired, frustrated, and lonely, to keep up the good work.  To remember why they do what they do, and to take time at the end of the day, to take care of themselves, and to plan the next day with you in mind.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, just went to morning mass, feeling pretty good for only five minutes:(. We walk in the door, I set out coloring for my 2 year old, put my 1 year old down for nap, so that I can feed my 2 month old... I place my 2 year old in her seat and she throws all the crayons and books on the floor and shouts no!!! I am nursing currently and she is still crying on the kitchen floor screaming hold me!!! I can't do everything at once, and My child seems to just have a defiant spirit no matter how much alone time she gets with me... I want to cry too...

    Jesus help me, it feels like the more I try to do your will, the more my children fight back... Especially my oldest
